Illustrator // Printmaker // Ceramicist

Empty Vessel

These corporeal forms become the embodiment of self creation in the face of the void. The clean white architectural forms become the projected aspects of self we deem appropriate for outside consumption, whilst inside out of view an absence is present. This absence is the embodiment of our grief, carried with us, it’s weight becomes perceptible in the physicality of the vessels.

 To have made them observably anthropomorphic would have been to offer to literal a position in relation to the body. I did not want them to be obviously figurative but rather offer a slight nod in that direction.

To have made them observably anthropomorphic would have been to offer to literal a position in relation to the body. I did not want them to be obviously figurative but rather offer a slight nod in that direction.

  The reception of the pieces as a collection, expanding the spatial aspects of the work out, asks us to view them simultaneously as isolated objects that maintain a connection with one another. Just as grief isolates the individual whilst injecting

The reception of the pieces as a collection, expanding the spatial aspects of the work out, asks us to view them simultaneously as isolated objects that maintain a connection with one another. Just as grief isolates the individual whilst injecting them into a fundamental shared aspect of the human experience.
