Illustrator // Printmaker // Ceramicist

Presence of Absence

As individuals each aspect occupies the role of empty vessel, missing an important internal aspect that leaks out into their exterior appearance, yet they hold the promise of being fulfilled. Where they fit together they contain the absence within, holding it together and allowing their external qualities to find a full form.

 The secondary aspect was not intended to fill the absence contained within the vessels but to find a way of completing the exterior, creating a whole form. The intention of this being that it would more accurately represent the way grief is absorbed

The secondary aspect was not intended to fill the absence contained within the vessels but to find a way of completing the exterior, creating a whole form. The intention of this being that it would more accurately represent the way grief is absorbed into the psyche on a more functional level and how often individuals are not completely absolved of the experience.

 The pieces become symbiotic, needing each other to be whole and fully realised, able to stand alone but unfufilled, their needs unmet when unaccompanied.

The pieces become symbiotic, needing each other to be whole and fully realised, able to stand alone but unfufilled, their needs unmet when unaccompanied.
